How Tony Robbins’ book helped me with a Breakup in 30 Days

Hana Kobayashi
4 min readMay 20, 2023

“Some things break your heart but fix your vision.” — Unknown

Photo by Samantha Garrote:

When I recently went through a difficult breakup and family issue, I was overwhelmed with stress. It hurt me deeply that my ex-partner wasn’t there when I needed him the most. After reflecting on what had happened, it became clear to me that one of the common themes among all my past relationships was “You are a great person but we just can’t connect.” This realisation led me to start prioritizing self-care in order to address this issue head-on and make sure it didn’t happen again in future relationships.

I started looking for resources online about how best to approach self-care during tough times like these, and stumbled across Tony Robbins’ book Awaken The Giant Within — A Guide To Taking Control Of Your Life And Creating Lasting Change. Immediately after reading some reviews from people who had already read this book, I knew it would be perfect for helping tackle my issues regarding connecting with others better!

To be clear, I have not finished reading yet. But I can already feel something is changing in me. I read many other Self-help books such as Law of Attraction and Psychology stuff in the past. But it did not resonate with me or had a lasting impact. But I would like to highlight what changed me after reading his book.



Hana Kobayashi

Migrated to Australia. Passionate about financial independence, psychology, career and relationship.