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4 reasons to avoid watching TV after work
Watching TV or digital contents such as Netflix after work is comforting for a lot of us.
Statistics show average Australians (above 14+) watch TV for 18 hours a week. It means many spend 2 hours + per day on watching TV.
Australian Bureau Statistics shows 2–4 year olds spent almost one and a half hours (83 minutes) per day in the sedentary activities. This includes watching TV and playing playing electronic games.
Many of my friends and colleagues are simply surprised when I tell them I don’t watch TV or any digital contents during the week.
This wasn’t actually my intention not to watch a TV or digital contents. In fact, I actually own a TV and have functional internet. It happened when I moved to a new place and TV needed a new adapter. I got busy with my life and I finally got used to not watching TV.
I actually built new habits by not watching TV. It definitely increased my productivity.
- You will have the time to build good habits
You will be surprised how much time you will have by not watching TV. You will have a chance to form new habits.
Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement – Atomic…